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Shanghai Shunli Industry Co., Ltd
China to cut down the highway toll standards, reduce logistics costs
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  • Henan Yuzhou farmer evaded tolls 368 yuan There are still repercussions. story. Highway toll phenomenon has aroused widespread concern in society.
    Held on January 19, 2011 China logistics development report, Ministry of transportation deputy director of the General Department of Cai Yuhe revealed that traffic department is studying highway charging standards and the system, 30 years of existing expressway charge years could be expanded, and charges at the same time standards will decline.
    National highway toll standards are necessary. It is understood that the current cost of the logistics industry, highway fees accounted for the total cost of 1/3. This is also the reason for the high cost of logistics in china. He Liming, President of the China Federation of logistics and purchasing, pointed out that in 2010 China's total logistics costs accounted for the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) of about 18%, down 0.3 percentage points more than in 2005.
    The proportion of the developed countries is about twice as high as that of the developed countries. To this end, liming pointed out that the end of the "12th Five Year Plan" to form a rational layout, advanced technology, environmental protection and energy saving, convenient and efficient, safe and orderly, and has a certain international competitiveness of modern logistics system, we need to reduce logistics costs to GDP ratio. To reduce the logistics industry tax is necessary.
    It is reported that the service industry in order to replace the value-added tax reform will be extended to the logistics industry.
    Reduce highway toll standards
    2010 total social logistics costs accounted for 18% of the proportion of GDP, which is twice the proportion of developed countries.
    Deputy director of the Ministry of communications deputy director Cai Yuhe revealed that many foreign toll roads can be closed for 90 years or even 100 years, China's current toll road is the longest period of 30 years. So the next step to reduce the road toll standards, will be used to extend the time to achieve.
    He pointed out that the Ministry of transport is studying the highway and other major toll collection system and the general road, supplemented by no charge system. At the same time will also vigorously open the green channel, for all products such as vegetables, free access to all roads. But he stressed that this involves a number of laws and regulations to amend.
    In 2004 the implementation of the "toll road management regulations" provisions, on the green channel in the state of transport vehicle of fresh agricultural products, "can be appropriate to reduce the toll fees or exempt from the vehicle tolls".
    In 2010, the State Council issued on further promoting the notice concerning vegetable production to ensure market supply and prices basically stable in [2010]26), is proposed to reduce the cost of circulation, and better promote the circulation of fresh agricultural products.
    But 2004 toll road management regulations, not clear of fresh agricultural products completely exempt from tolls, and although countries proposed for fresh agricultural products tolls are exempt from, the actual situation has not been effectively implemented.
    Despite the 26 documents already issued, but farmers reflected only in the Olympic Games and the 60th anniversary of national day, vegetables and other fresh agricultural products in Beijing city highway toll free, after this time, charges and fines are still fairly common.
    The economic and Trade Department of the national development and Reform Commission deputy director of the Geng Shuhai thinking, "with foreign compared indeed we highway is developing very fast, ahead of even the development, but our highway toll level is higher, than foreign much higher." He said in 2011 China's logistics development report January 19th.
    Data released on the same day show that in 2010 China's total logistics and logistics industry increased by 25 trillion and, respectively, compared to 2005, an average annual growth of 21% and 16.7%. However, China's logistics costs are still high, such as the total social logistics costs accounted for 18% of GDP in 2010, which is twice as high as that in developed countries.
    Meng Yong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of communications, said in January 18th that the future will be to abolish the two highway toll. By the end of 2010, China has been in 17 provinces all canceled the government owing on the loan of two highway toll stations, revocation of the site 90 thousand, the total mileage of 1723 km. But as of 2009, the national level two and above highway toll mileage of. This shows that the current toll road mileage is still too large.
    Business tax or VAT
    "To solve the problem of how to solve the tax of logistics industry by expanding the value added tax, which involves to the next step of the logistics industry value added tax rate."
    However, the overall cost of China's logistics industry in the "12th Five-Year" period may still be difficult to drop.
    China Federation of logistics and purchasing President He Liming told reporters that in 2010 the total cost of social logistics in China accounted for the proportion of GDP is difficult to be reduced to 15%.
    Because in the past 5 years, the proportion of the above just dropped by 0.3 percentage points. Therefore, although some provinces, in 2015 the total logistics costs accounted for the proportion of GDP to reach 15%, but on the whole country, can fall to 17%, that is 1 percentage points less than the proportion of 2010 is not easy. "Mainly is the current cost is relatively high, reduce the difficulty is too large." He said.
    National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have been studying measures to reduce the cost of the logistics industry. 2009 the logistics industry restructuring and revitalization of the planning, proposed to "pay close attention to address the impact of the current development of the logistics industry in the land, taxes, fees, financing and traffic management", "for the industrial development of the new situation and new problems, study and formulate system of logistics industry policy." But there has not been much progress in practice.
    It is understood that the current logistics industry in various aspects of the business tax rate is not a. Different aspects of the business tax rate is not consistent, not only is not conducive to tax collection and management, but also prone to repeated taxation, but also not conducive to the overall development of the logistics industry. To this end, the national development and Reform Commission and a number of departments repeated consultations in the work of the logistics industry to determine the different aspects of the 5%, 3% business
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